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Take The Journey

Hey beauty! I hope you're having a lovely day. I want to ask you to take this journey with me of becoming a "Well Rounded Beauty." Beauty is NOT just outer but also inner. As some of you know, for sometime now I've suffered with digestive issues, blood issues and a few other things. Now I also want you to know that I am a God fearing, bible believing woman and with my belief in Gods healing power as well as doing my part I am being made COMPLETELY whole. But I have to do my part! One way I've been doing this is by diving into my health and seeing what natural foods can assist me on my way to being a "Well Rounded Beauty." I'm going to share with you some healthy foods that assist with our outer and inner beauty. Lets start with acorn squash. It strengthens the hair and nails and is excellent for digestive support. Do you like squash? I just happen to love squash. What healthy foods do you eat to assist with outer and inner beauty?

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Shanell Johnson
Shanell Johnson
May 17, 2023

Watermelon. The lycopene and citrulline in watermelon may support heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

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Yes!! This is good and Lord knows I love watermelon. I love the fact that we can eat enjoyable foods that taste great as well as benefit our health. Its a win win.

*Try drizzling some honey on your watermelon. Thank me later lol 🥰

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