That need is encouragement. A moment of transparency... There are somedays where I feel like my effectiveness isn't effecting like I thought. There are times where my energy level that was on 1000 dwindles down to maybe about a 30. Most definitely there are times when I question the vision God has given me. But it never fails, whenever these moments happen encouragement is sent in someway, shape or form. A phone call from family, a text from a friend, a booked appointment from a client, a like or a share from a stranger across the world and last but certainly not least a reminder through the Holy Bible that I am on the right path and purpose is being fulfilled in my life. I want to be that reminder for you today or whenever you read this. If I may, please allow me to give you this gentle push of encouragement, you are definitely someone special who has what it takes to accomplish your vision and goals. So what if you slip up from time to time... keep going! Life is not without ups and downs and hardships. Theses are inevitable. So leave some wiggle room for things to not always go as you desire but that doesn't mean its a failure. You're innovative and not without a backup plan. So prepare and move! You're doing great.
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